Despite the global hubbub the other week about the new
ad-free social network Ello, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here if I suggest that
the trouble with social media is not the ads. It’s not even the non-stop data
collection grinding away in the background. The problem is all the noise. And
you’re not just imagining it. The average number of Facebook friends has almost tripled in the past five years,
bringing us to 338 for 2014.
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A template for a website, or a delicious dinner? |
During this same period web design has gone from the bento
box style grid to templates that are based on scrolling newsfeeds, like Facebook, or the parallel vertical columns of dashboards, like Tweetdeck. In other words, a zillion things happening all at
Unless you have a lifestyle or job that allows you to spend hours every day scrolling through the ever-growing feed you’re just not going to see it all. The inherent quality of a newsfeed is that it is always moving, and is ephemeral. If you miss it, that’s generally it; though I realize that the Facebook feed re-inserts items when comments are added, which drives most people crazy. But still, the point remains: the feed is a taskmaster, and really, ain’t nobody got time for that.
Unless you have a lifestyle or job that allows you to spend hours every day scrolling through the ever-growing feed you’re just not going to see it all. The inherent quality of a newsfeed is that it is always moving, and is ephemeral. If you miss it, that’s generally it; though I realize that the Facebook feed re-inserts items when comments are added, which drives most people crazy. But still, the point remains: the feed is a taskmaster, and really, ain’t nobody got time for that.
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting to the point of
Facebook fatigue. So does this mean I'll quit? No, I
won’t. But, it does mean I am actively looking elsewhere for ways to unearth the myriad things I’m
interested in online. I know they’re there...somewhere, I just don't always find the best paths to them. Serendipity is great if you've got all the time in the world. But again, ain't nobody got time for that.
That’s why this quote from one of the founders of a new site called Milq jumped out at me:
That’s why this quote from one of the founders of a new site called Milq jumped out at me:
The Internet should
make it easier to find what you’re not looking for
- Milq co-founder Don MacKinnon
Yes, yes, and yes. So I started googling the company, and read the handful of articles I could find online. Then I played around on the site itself. It's a place where playlists of ideas are collaboratively created. A place where you don’t have to know exactly what you’re looking for in order to find the embarrassment of riches the Internet has to offer in the way of arts, entertainment, and cultural content. That means everything from movies to design to comedy, fashion, books, music, even sports, organized thematically using something that Milq calls 'beads'. It‘s not a social
network, but more of a 'taste network', to use the phrase of one of the company's founders.
For example, there’s a bead called ‘hitting the bottle',
devoted to scenes of over-imbibing.
You go into the bead and there you’ll find a community-curated playlist of clips on this theme. We're talking Scotty in a drinking game on an episode of Star Trek, exchange student Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles, scenes from Withnail and I, and the inevitable clips from the Thin Man series of movies.
And if you want to move laterally to other collections of thematically related clips, a series of related beads is offered in the margin, that looks like this:
And if you want to move laterally to other collections of thematically related clips, a series of related beads is offered in the margin, that looks like this:
Okay, this is working for me, I thought to myself. This is what I wish YouTube did for me, but does not. So I did a bit more rooting around and I discovered that Milq has two
offices: one in New York, and one in Toronto. Well then, let’s get down to
business. And so I did. I got in touch with Milq’s co-CEO Jordan Jacobs and
within 48 hours I was in his office, overlooking the sprawling U of T campus,
smack in the middle of downtown Toronto. What follows are highlights from that
If I like something
it’s not because of an algorithm, it’s because of a person
JJ: The mid 90s dream of the Internet was everything all the
time. We didn’t quite know how we were going to get there, but just the idea
that we could potentially access everything on our screens was mind blowing. But,
twenty years later we can see how feed-based information and sharing via
Twitter and Facebook is not the answer. They’re not designed for discovery,
they’re designed for self-expression, and those are two very different things.
What we’re doing is designing for things that people don’t
yet know they’ll love. And we’re not doing it just with algorithms that make
recommendations. There’s a real human at the source of every bead, and a real
human at each point along the way as the bead attracts comments and additional
links. We use something called Machine Learning, which is a way for the system
to teach itself as it goes, and U of T (pointing out his window) has one of the best
programs in the world for it.
The structure of the
Internet has killed browsing
JJ: With anything that’s subjective – like movies, music, books,
art – it’s almost impossible to find what you’re looking for online. At best you’ll find what you already know you
like. Or you’ll get overwhelmed by things like Spotify. Or you’ll just go back
to the same handful of things you’ve always liked. When we were just starting out we would spend hours and
hours together on Google Hangouts every day, asking ourselves ‘how do you do a content-centered
network’? If there’s, say, a hip hop expert in Mozambique who knows something
that nobody else does how do you bring what he knows to the surface? How do you
architect something like that? And we came to the conclusion that you do it
with collaboratively created playlists. And you add tons of metadata and you create influence graphs for each person who posts, comments, or clicks.
And then on top of it you add that layer of machine learning, where the system
learns from itself as it goes.
Achieving high quality
on a massive scale
JJ: I remember when (our CTO) Tomi, who was one of the creators
of Yahoo Answers, told us about how Yahoo spent something like $10 million on
an advertising campaign for Yahoo answers in Times Square, after the site had
been up and running. They wanted to make it bigger and better and thought that
a big ad campaign was the way to do that.
And what happened? The user base went up. Okay, good. But -- the quality
of the content went down. Way down.
For Milq we don’t need a huge user base in order for this to
work. We can handle a huge user base, and I hope we get a huge user base, but
it’s not the most important thing.
Initially we self-funded and then we made the rounds and talked to the VCs and many of them thought we were crazy. Others, particularly in Silicon
Valley and New York, got it, but then we stepped back and re-thought things this way. We wanted to build a strong advisor and support system so we went the route of taking investment from a variety of smart, experienced, and connected people we knew from our backgrounds in media and tech. And that’s when it worked. People like Tom Freston, former CEO of
Viacom and the guy who founded MTV and is now an advisor to Vice, came on board.
And now we’ve got broadcasters coming to us, and people with these huge storehouses of content that they don’t know how to get out there. They’re saying to us: ‘we have a huge problem’.
And now we’ve got broadcasters coming to us, and people with these huge storehouses of content that they don’t know how to get out there. They’re saying to us: ‘we have a huge problem’.
What it looks like in
Film Festivals
JJ: Every year film festivals are tasked with having to
completely rebuild their websites, starting from scratch. What’s playing where,
at what times, what are reviewers saying, which films are most popular, who’s
getting interviewed, etc., for hundreds of films. What we’re able to do is offer something that
builds around themes, about the way people think and talk about movies…not
according to names of directors or their countries of origin. Here’s an example of what we did with TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) and another example of what we did with the Tribeca Film Festival.
Bands on Tour
JJ: Kings of Leon used the site for a “what song should we cover”, put out to fans on their last tour. Instead of a
tweet or Facebook post they got a dynamic playlist, with links to Soundcloud,
YouTube, Vimeo, etc. And anyone can jump in at any time.
Beads for Books
JJ: We just announced a partnership with Simon & Schuster, and a few authors have already started beads, like Walter Isaacson, the Steve Jobs biographer. He just started a Great Digital Innovations bead, and Anna Todd, who has over a billion reads of her fan fiction on the band One Direction on Wattpad, has started a bead too. And, of course, anyone can post audio or video related to their favorite books and start their own beads.
Beads for Books
JJ: We just announced a partnership with Simon & Schuster, and a few authors have already started beads, like Walter Isaacson, the Steve Jobs biographer. He just started a Great Digital Innovations bead, and Anna Todd, who has over a billion reads of her fan fiction on the band One Direction on Wattpad, has started a bead too. And, of course, anyone can post audio or video related to their favorite books and start their own beads.
What you wish watercooler talk was like
JJ: Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity
Fair, started this bead: Metaphors for Failure. You’ll find things like the original ad for the Edsel, the SNL sketch on
the launch of, newsreel footage of the Bay of Pigs invasion, and
the launch of New Coke.
And now back to me, your unembedded blogger. Moving from one metaphor to another, there are a lot of beads
in the world that could benefit from being brought together on a string. As
Milq’s Jordan Jacobs put it: “in a way we’re kind of building the great library
of Alexandria online.” And while things still aren’t perfectly intuitive at
Milq -- there’s a bit of a learning curve when you go to the site and try to
figure out how to best make it work for you -- bear in mind that the site has only been out
of beta since September, so these are still very early days. (I’m guessing the first few months at the
library of Alexandria were a bit rough going too.)
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The Great Library of Alexandria. How they rolled pre-wifi and Wikipedia |
The larger point for me is that all the gems that live online, the things that we may not even know we’re interested in, to echo the comment of Milq co-founder Don MacKinnon highlighted earlier in this post, are pulled out of their hiding places online and brought to the surface. And this, I believe, is the next phase of where things are going online.
We know that the wisdom of the crowd works pretty darn well online, because we already have the prerequisites, like extreme heterogeneity of opinion, non-economic actors, community policing, and the ability for anyone to chime in with a viewpoint. Just look at Wikipedia. Written by no one in particular, with labor supplied voluntarily and free of charged, editorial oversight by the community only, and results as, if not more accurate than Encyclopedia Britannica. Should it work? Absolutely not. Does it work? Indisputably yes.
I would say this is because they were still thinking largely in terms of television tropes, of favoring traditional media stars, and of organizing programming by channels and subscriptions to those channels.
And really, isn't a channel:
a) just another form of more or less linear programming
b) something that lives within a walled garden environment
And aren't these exactly the kinds of things the online environment was supposed to liberate us from?
Maybe that Internet we dreamed about in the mid 1990s, the one that would make anything and everything we could imagine available to us, in a way that is both efficient and a little bit transcendent, is now a few steps closer. But we're all going to have to kick in, because coming up with a captivating list of metaphors for failure is not something that can or should be left to just one person.
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